Agnus Dei - Wikipedia › wiki › Agnus_DeiAgnus Dei is the Latin name under which the "Lamb of God" is honoured within the Catholic Mass and other Christian liturgies descending from the Latin liturgical tradition. It is the name given to a specific prayer that occurs in these liturgies, and is the name given to the music pieces that accompany the text of this prayer. 13th century ivory carving, Louvre. The use of the title "Lamb of God" in liturgy is based on John 1:29, in which St. John the Baptist, upon seeing Jesus, proclaims "Behol
What is the meaning of Agnus Dei? | › Agnus-DeiJan 04, 2022 · 1. A figure of a lamb with a halo and bearing a cross or banner. This symbol for Christ is often found in church artwork and stained glass windows. 2. A prayer to Christ, which is part of the Roman Catholic liturgy. • In Latin: “ Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tolis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem .”
Agnus Dei | liturgical chant | Britannica › topic › Agnus-Dei-liturgical-chantAgnus Dei, (Latin), English Lamb of God, designation of Jesus Christ in Christian liturgical usage. It is based on the saying of John the Baptist: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). In the Roman Catholic liturgy the Agnus Dei is employed in the following text: “Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us! Lamb of God ...
Agnus Dei – Wikipedia Dei (suom. Jumalan Karitsa) on läntisen kristinuskon jumalanpalveluksen eli messun eukaristisen riitin osa, ja kyseisen osan aikana laulettava rukous. Perinteisenä messutekstinä se on myös yksi messusävellyksen osa. Lisäksi termillä voidaan viitata Jumalan Karitsa -kuva-aiheeseen. Näytä lisää
Agnus Dei – Wikipedia › wiki › Agnus_DeiAgnus Dei (suom. Jumalan Karitsa) on läntisen kristinuskon jumalanpalveluksen eli messun eukaristisen riitin osa, ja kyseisen osan aikana laulettava rukous. Perinteisenä messutekstinä se on myös yksi messusävellyksen osa. Lisäksi termillä voidaan viitata Jumalan Karitsa -kuva-aiheeseen.