Prisma - A.Le Coq Fassbrause Peach alkoholivaba õlu 500ml coq fassbrause peach alkoholivaba õlu 500ml, a.le coq, 4740098090502, koostisosad: alkoholivaba õlu (vesi, odralinnased, humal). 50%; suhkur; vesi; süsihappegaas; happesuse regulaator – sidrunhape; virsikumahl konsentreeritud mahlast. taimsed õlid, looduslik lõhna - ja maitseaine, vitamiin b6 ja b12, pantoteenhape, biotiin. stabilisaator e414, säilitusaine- …
A. Le Coq Fassbrause - Olvi › en › productsA. Le Coq Fassbrause - Olvi. Fassbrause is a trendy and internationally successful alcohol-free beverage concept from Central Europe. For more than 100 years it has been a traditional beverage on the German and Austrian markets, where it is still very popular. Fassbrause is a combination of the German words ‘Fass’, which means keg, and ...
A. Le Coq Fassbrause Mojito - A. Le Coq › en › productABV: 0% A. Le Coq Fassbrause Mojito is a naturally fermented beverage with the flavour of the most popular cocktail made from non-alcoholic beer and juice. Subtle nuances of lemon and mint give the drink a pleasant fresh taste. Fassbrause contains many useful B vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7) and makes a healthy alternative […]
A. Le Coq Le Coq is the oldest and biggest drinks manufacturer in Estonia. Our product portfolio includes 11 different product groups. The main product group is beers, followed by juices, waters and soft drinks, and the remaining product groups such as ciders, light alcoholic beverages, Active juice drinks, sports and energy drinks, syrups and kvass.
A. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon - A. Le Coq › en › productA. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon is a naturally fermented drink with a light lemon flavour made from non-alcoholic beer and lemon juice. The drink contains many vital B-group vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7). Fassbrause is a good healthy alternative to a soft drink, both pleasantly refreshing and a great thirst-quencher.