https://www.azelglobal.com/leCoqBeer.htmlA. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon is a naturally fermented drink with a light lemon flavor made from non-alcoholic beer and lemon juice. The drink contains many vital B-group vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7). Fassbrause is a good healthy alternative to a soft drink, both pleasantly refreshing and a great thirst-quencher.
www.azelglobal.com › leCoqBeerA. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon is a naturally fermented drink with a light lemon flavor made from non-alcoholic beer and lemon juice. The drink contains many vital B-group vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7). Fassbrause is a good healthy alternative to a soft drink, both pleasantly refreshing and a great thirst-quencher.
A. Le Coq Fassbrause Grapefruit - A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › en › productA. Le Coq Fassbrause Grapefruit is a naturally fermented drink with fresh red grapefruit flavour made from non-alcoholic beer and grapefruit juice. The pleasantly juicy drink with a crisp and refreshing combination of flavours contains useful B-group vitamins and is an excellent thirst quencher. Fassbrause is a healthy alternative to soft ...
A. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon - A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › en › productA. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon is a naturally fermented drink with a light lemon flavour made from non-alcoholic beer and lemon juice. The drink contains many vital B-group vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7). Fassbrause is a good healthy alternative to a soft drink, both pleasantly refreshing and a great thirst-quencher.
Oluet - Olvi
https://www.olvi.fi/tuotteetA. Le Coq Fassbrause. Fassbrause on trendikäs ja kansainvälisesti menestynyt alkoholiton juomakonsepti Keski-Euroopasta. Se on yli 100 vuotta Saksan ja Itävallan markkinoilla ollut perinnejuoma, joka on edelleen hyvin suosittu. Fassbrause tulee saksankielisestä tynnyriä tarkoittavasta sanasta Fass ja sanasta Brause, joka tarkoittaa ...
A. Le Coq Fassbrause - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › en › productsA. Le Coq Fassbrause - Olvi. Fassbrause is a trendy and internationally successful alcohol-free beverage concept from Central Europe. For more than 100 years it has been a traditional beverage on the German and Austrian markets, where it is still very popular. Fassbrause is a combination of the German words ‘Fass’, which means keg, and ...
A. Le Coq Fassbrause Peach - A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › en › productA. Le Coq Fassbrause Peach is a naturally fermented beverage with light peach flavour made from non-alcoholic beer and peach juice. You can taste a little hops in this mildly sweet refreshing drink, and it is an excellent thirst quencher on a hot summer day. Fassbrause contains many useful B vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7) and is lower in ...