A. Le Coq Fassbrause - Olvi
www.olvi.fi › en › productsA. Le Coq Fassbrause - Olvi. Fassbrause is a trendy and internationally successful alcohol-free beverage concept from Central Europe. For more than 100 years it has been a traditional beverage on the German and Austrian markets, where it is still very popular. Fassbrause is a combination of the German words ‘Fass’, which means keg, and ...
A. Le Coq Fassbrause Grapefruit - A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › en › productA. Le Coq Fassbrause Grapefruit is a naturally fermented drink with fresh red grapefruit flavour made from non-alcoholic beer and grapefruit juice. The pleasantly juicy drink with a crisp and refreshing combination of flavours contains useful B-group vitamins and is an excellent thirst quencher. Fassbrause is a healthy alternative to soft ...
A. Le Coq Fassbrause Peach - A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › en › productA. Le Coq Fassbrause Peach is a naturally fermented beverage with light peach flavour made from non-alcoholic beer and peach juice. You can taste a little hops in this mildly sweet refreshing drink, and it is an excellent thirst quencher on a hot summer day. Fassbrause contains many useful B vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7) and is lower in ...
https://www.azelglobal.com/leCoqBeer.htmlA. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon is a naturally fermented drink with a light lemon flavor made from non-alcoholic beer and lemon juice. The drink contains many vital B-group vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7). Fassbrause is a good healthy alternative to a soft drink, both pleasantly refreshing and a great thirst-quencher.
www.azelglobal.com › leCoqBeerA. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon is a naturally fermented drink with a light lemon flavor made from non-alcoholic beer and lemon juice. The drink contains many vital B-group vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7). Fassbrause is a good healthy alternative to a soft drink, both pleasantly refreshing and a great thirst-quencher.
A. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon - A. Le Coq
www.alecoq.ee › en › productA. Le Coq Fassbrause Lemon is a naturally fermented drink with a light lemon flavour made from non-alcoholic beer and lemon juice. The drink contains many vital B-group vitamins (B6, B12, B5 and B7). Fassbrause is a good healthy alternative to a soft drink, both pleasantly refreshing and a great thirst-quencher.
Oluet - Olvi
https://www.olvi.fi/tuotteetA. Le Coq Fassbrause. Fassbrause on trendikäs ja kansainvälisesti menestynyt alkoholiton juomakonsepti Keski-Euroopasta. Se on yli 100 vuotta Saksan ja Itävallan markkinoilla ollut perinnejuoma, joka on edelleen hyvin suosittu. Fassbrause tulee saksankielisestä tynnyriä tarkoittavasta sanasta Fass ja sanasta Brause, joka tarkoittaa ...