Rethinking Japan | ZeroHedge › markets › rethinking-japanJan 18, 2023 · As Japanese semiconductor market is dominated by Japanese semiconductor makers, this meant in the late 1980s, Japan producers also had the largest market share. And this is where Japanese problems began. If Japan maintained its technological lead over the US, it would likely face increasing political pressure from the US.
Bank of Japan Spends A Record $81 Billion To ... - ZeroHedge › markets › bank-japan-spendsJun 20, 2022 · He was proven right the very next day, when not an insigificant part of Japan’s bond market imploded as the central bank battles to keep control of its policy goals as some of the largest hedge funds in the world pile on billions in bets that the BOJ is about to lose control, in a repeat of Soros' dramatic crusade against the BOE (which the billionaire democrat ended up winning, and affording him the wealth to be the US government's shadow puppetmaster to this day).
zerohedge jpn (@zerohedgejpn) / Twitter › zerohedgejpnNov 28, 2021 · zerohedge jpn @zerohedgejpn · クレジットサイクルの終わりの始まり The Beginning Of The End Of The Credit Cycle The credit cycle is turning, which points to wider credit spreads, increasing loan-losses at banks, and rising equity volatility... 1 5 zerohedge jpn @zerohedgejpn · ヘッジファンドは、98%という大規模なスクイーズに見舞われた。 何が原因か、いつまで続くのか?
Japan Minister Calls For New World Order | ZeroHedge › geopolitical › japan-ministerJan 6, 2023 · Friday, Jan 06, 2023 - 05:40 PM. Japan's trade and industry minister said on Thursday that a 'new world order' is needed to counter the rise of authoritarian regimes which have thrived in post-Cold War free trade and economic interdependence. Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yasutoshi Nishimura speaks to the Center of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), regarding Japan’s 2023 G7 priorities on Jan. 5, at CSIS headquarters in Washington.
Japan On Verge Of Systemic Collapse With ... - ZeroHedge › markets › japan-verge-systemicJun 14, 2022 · The more global inflation picks up, the more the BoJ prints. But the more easing accelerates, the higher the need to press hard on the brake when the (inflation) cliff approaches and the more dangerous it becomes. As a result, we will soon enter a phase where dramatic and unpredictable non-linearities in Japanese financial markets would kick in, according to the DB strategist, who also notes that "if it becomes obvious to the market that the clearing level of JGB yields is above the BoJ's 25 ...