Ylilauta - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › YlilautaYlilauta ( Finnish pronunciation: [ylilɑu̯tɑ]) is a Finnish imageboard. It was founded on February 20, 2011 to unite the two former most popular Finnish imageboards, Kotilauta and Lauta.net. Ylilauta is one of the most popular websites in Finland, and on the Finnish-speaking Internet. In 2011 "Ylilauta" was the fourth most searched word on ...
ylilauta.orgYlilauta is a privacy-oriented anonymous discussion board where you are free to discuss almost anything. Sending messages requires neither registration nor a username. Even if you choose to register, you are still completely in control of your data and can easily delete everything. For us, deletion means your data is gone forever.
hikky.co.jp › en › companyThe VR market is now rapidly increasing in demand all over the world. Since its establishment, HIKKY has utilized VR to provide many unprecedented services. We have cultivated new markets with a new generation of creators who use VR as a place to express themselves, and we promote the XR business outside the VR domain by making full use of the ...
Hikikomero | Ylilauta
ylilauta.org › hikky2. Mikä on hikkyn suhde alkoholiin? Itselleni alkoholilla on hyvin normouttava vaikutus; sanavalmius kasvaa, puheviat katoavat, herää kaipaus muodostaa sosiaalisia yhteyksiä ja ylipäätänsä vuorovaikuttaminen ulkomaailman kanssa kiinnostaa enemmän (itse lähinnä juttelen tyypeille wowi discordissa).