Seattle Heart Failure Model - University of Washington › shfmThe Seattle Heart Failure Model (SHFM) is a calculator of projected survival at baseline and after interventions for patients with heart failure. SHFM is designed for use by health care providers knowledgeable in cardiac medicine. Patients should only use SHFM when their healthcare providers are present, such as at a doctor's office. Please ...
Jälkiviisaat | Yle Areena › 1-1479835Nov 04, 2022 · Jälkiviisaat. Katso. 496 jaksoa. Ylen aamun odotetuin vartti. Mitä viikon puheenaiheista oikein pitäisi ajatella? Oikein vai väärin? Mustaa vai valkoista? Vai löytyykö totuus jostain sieltä välistä? Näytä lisää.
Data Science at the University of Washington
data.washington.eduData Science Innovation. Through an evolution of the University of Washington eScience Institute in collaboration with the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, UW has become a national leader in advancing the techniques and technologies of data-intensive discovery and in putting these advances to work in a broad range of fields.