.net core 2.0 ConfigureLogging xunit test - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 46169169Sep 12, 2017 · xUnit has changed in version 2 to no longer capture the standard output for tests: If you used xUnit.net 1.x, you may have previously been writing output to Console, Debug, or Trace. When xUnit.net v2 shipped with parallelization turned on by default, this output capture mechanism was no longer appropriate; it is impossible to know which of the many tests that could be running in parallel were responsible for writing to those shared resources.
Capturing Output > xUnit.net
xunit.net › docs › capturing-outputxUnit.net offers two such methods for adding output, depending on what kind of code you're trying to diagnose. Capturing output in unit tests; Capturing output in extensibility classes; If you used xUnit.net 1.x, you may have previously been writing output to Console, Debug, or Trace. When xUnit.net v2 shipped with parallelization turned on by default, this output capture mechanism was no longer appropriate; it is impossible to know which of the many tests that could be running in parallel ...
ILogger for xUnit – Rory Primrose – Learn from my mistakes ...
www.neovolve.com › 2018/06/01 › ilogger-for-xunitJun 1, 2018 · Using this library makes it really easy to output log messages from your code as part of the test results. You may want to also inspect the log messages written as part of the test assertions as well. The BuildLogger and BuildLoggerFor<T> extension methods support this by returning a ICacheLogger or ICacheLogger<T> respectively. The cache logger is a wrapper around the created logger and exposes all the log entries written by the test.
How to get ASP.NET Core logs in the output of xUnit tests
www.meziantou.net › how-to-get-asp-net-core-logsNov 2, 2020 · If your application logs data using the ILogger interface, such as an ASP.NET Core application, it would be nice to see them in the test output. xUnit allows writing data using the ITestOutputHelper interface. The written data are exposed in the console, Visual Studio, or Azure DevOps. So, the solution is to provide an implementation of ILogger that writes logs to the provided ITestOutputHelper instance.
GitHub - martincostello/xunit-logging: Logging extensions for ...
github.com › martincostello › xunit-loggingxunit Logging. Introduction. MartinCostello.Logging.XUnit provides extensions to hook into the ILogger infrastructure to output logs from your xunit tests to the test output. This library is designed for the Microsoft logging implementation of ILoggerFactory. For other logging implementations, such as Serilog, consider using packages such as Serilog.Sinks.XUnit instead. Installation. To install the library from NuGet using the .NET SDK run: