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www.xbodystudio.hrXbody trening namijenjen je svima, kako početnicima tako i naprednim vježbačima, potpuno zdravima, ali i svima koji trebaju rehabilitacijsko i terapeutski način vježbanja.
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xbody.my.site.comXBody designs, manufactures and distributes the most innovative and advanced EMS device in the fitness and wellness industries. Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electric impulses.
XBody - Award-winning EMS training devices in 86 countries
xbodyworld.comEMS stands for Electric Muscle Stimulation and it has been widely used in physiotherapy for decades with great results. Its rapidly expanding use as a Whole Body Training method provides the perfect combination of a highly effective strength and cardio training. 2×20 minutes a week is enough.
XBody - Award-winning EMS training devices in 55 countries
us.xbodyworld.comXBody - Award-winning EMS training devices in 55 countries Our „ Newave USA ” is FDA cleared for sales and marketing in the USA! THE NEW WAVE OF FITNESS TRAIN YOUR BODY IN JUST 2×20 MINUTES A WEEK XBody provides full body EMS training, stimulating all the major muscle groups at the same time, helping you to achieve a fit and toned look.