xUnit: Control the Test Execution Order - Hamid Mosalla
hamidmosalla.com › 2018/08/16 › xunit-control-theAug 16, 2018 · xUnit: Control the Test Execution Order. Sometime in our tests, we need to control the test execution order. This mostly happens in our integration test and not as often as our unit tests. Some people might even argue that controlling the execution order of unit test is bad practice. You can read more about it here. The main reason to not order execution for unit tests are that they’re suppose to be independent from each other.
Order unit tests - .NET | Microsoft Learn
learn.microsoft.com › testing › order-unit-testsSep 29, 2022 · Occasionally, you may want to have unit tests run in a specific order. Ideally, the order in which unit tests run should not matter, and it is best practice to avoid ordering unit tests. Regardless, there may be a need to do so. In that case, this article demonstrates how to order test runs. If you prefer to browse the source code, see the order .NET Core unit tests sample repository.
Running Tests in Parallel > xUnit.net
xunit.net › docs › running-tests-in-parallelA typical developer machine in 2006 (when we first started working on xUnit.net) had a single or dual core CPU, and perhaps 2 GB of RAM. Today's modern developer machine is likely to have a CPU with 8 virtual cores and between 8 and 16GB of RAM (or more). These CPUs go to waste when only one of them at a time can be assigned to a given task.
c# - How to order xUnit tests belonging to one test ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 52146564Sep 3, 2018 · I have some test methods which are spread across multiple test classes but belonging to single test collection. I am using ITestCaseOrderer provided by xUnit but it is ordering only test methods within individual test classes. [AttributeUsage (AttributeTargets.Method)] public class TestPriorityAttribute : Attribute { public TestPriorityAttribute (int priority) { this.Priority = priority; } public int Priority { get; } }