Mar 27, 2014 · Two companies in particular have come to dominate the niche industry of "verifying" celebrity autographs. Today, few autographs are bought or sold without the blessing of either Professional...
Obviously if you received the item in person then you should look to one of the 9 authenticators listed above to to get an authentication from. Although some of them above are only companies that authenticate to sell. Not all of them above our …
Hey guys. I just stumbled across a dirt bag on eBay and as many of you will see right off the bat, as I did, he is selling a number of fake autographed items …
An unauthenticated signature from Babe Ruth might sell for $250, with bidders wary of its pedigree. But with PSA's endorsement, the same Ruth shoots up to $2,900.
For autographs (not commenting on game used), in person signing companies are very reliable, as the signings were done with witness and the players are ...
Worst Autograph Authentication Companies. Explore how easily the fax autograph authentication tools can be accomplished online. Try out smart software and ...
Jan 12, 2023 · Real Authentic. Global Authentics. After many months of seeing questionable autographs authenticated by these companies, I've developed a hypothesis that all of the sigs appear to be so close in nature, I'm wondering if they're not all coming from the same source.
VerkkoIf the autograph dealer refuses to issue or show a Certificate of Authenticity or they have a lot of the same signature in their inventory, ... Quick Authentication & Appraisals. …
Jan 16, 2021 · Hey guys. I just stumbled across a dirt bag on eBay and as many of you will see right off the bat, as I did, he is selling a number of fake autographed items with “COAs” from at least 6 bogus companies. The seller, who’s eBay is screenshotted below, uses the handle “bestonthebloch.”.
Jul 19, 2013 · Operation Bullpen: Authenticators and Autograph Sellers to Watch for. Authenticators and sellers targeted by the FBI for forgeries and frauds are still finding their way onto online marketplace sites, including eBay. Check out the lists of who's not allowed on eBay and other who should be on the list. Kevin Nelson.
Couple things to know about Upper Deck. They apparently lost their online authentication database for items signed prior to 2002. Those hologram #s are not verifiable on their website. You have to email them for verification. Sometimes, …
Apr 3, 2019 · July 11, 2021 12:20AM. Just wanted to add Autograph COA (ACOA) to this list. They are fairly new, but picking up very quickly. They have up to 10 experts look at each submitted autograph and the nice thing is every submission that passes has a picture of the item online (regardless of if you get an LOA).
Below are the lists of the ten most dangerous autographs in two distinct categories: sports and historical/entertainment autographs. Each list was prepared by the experts at PSA/DNA, …
VerkkoI know buying auctioned autographs authenticated by companies other than the most trustworthy is a fool's game but I find it especially offensive when 1. they're so clearly …
Jun 7, 2017 · Google "JSA PSA Hauls of Shame" for a number of their "best" mistakes. My favorites are the Andre the Giant facsimile signature on a magazine that was authenticated or the Clem Labine signed baseball authenticated as "Ernie Davis" or perhaps James Earl Ray signed index authenticated as James Earl Jones. There are so many of them yet they still ...