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words to make sentences longer

Phrases to make your essay longer : r/coolguides - Reddit › coolguides › comments › phr...
So students use these phrases to make an essay longer. Of course, this doesn't mean that student will have an excellent mark.
Sentence Expander - Create longer text, essays, and more ... › ai-writer › sentence-expander-generator
In your open project, click the AI Assistant's robot icon and choose 'New Document'. 2. Click 'Select Template', scroll down, and select Sentence Expander. 3. Complete the prompts and click 'Generate'. 4. Check the options provided by AI, choose a result, and use it in your project. Generate Short-Form Copy.
Text Inflator - Expand your block of writing
Text Inflator adds unnecessary modifiers to adjectives and verbs, uses larger words and phrases in place of smaller ones, and repeats parts of sentences.
How to make your sentences longer (without adding fluff) …
12.8.2021 · 5. Replace contractions. This tip is probably the most straightforward. Obviously, changing a contraction to its full form is going to make your sentences longer. But removing …
Sentence Expander - Create longer text, essays, and …
In your open project, click the AI Assistant's robot icon and choose 'New Document'. 2. Click 'Select Template', scroll down, and select Sentence Expander. 3. Complete the prompts and …
Text Inflator - Expand your block of writing
Inflate ». Text Inflator is a tool that expands the length of a block of writing without adding any additional meaning. Simply paste your paper, essay, report, article, speech, paragraph, or any …
Outwrite - Expand your Sentences
Outwrite's "Expand" rewrite goal can help increase your word count and make your writing more interesting. Sign in. Sign in Try Outwrite. Expand your sentences. Make your sentences …
Nine Easy Steps to Longer Sentences |
Step 2: Replace simple words like more, jobs, night, youths, and streets with multiple syllable words of. Latin or Greek origin. Studies have found that additional nocturnal employment …
Sentence Rewriter - Best Free Rewording Tool
1. Just copy the text or sentence or paragraph that you want to rewrite. 2. "Copy And Paste your sentence/paragraph" into the given box in the tool. 3. Press Enter or hit the "rewrite sentence …
Nine Easy Steps to Longer Sentences | › resources › humor
Add meaningless “it is” and “there is/are” expressions, not only to lengthen your sentences but also to give them a scholarly ring.
How to make your sentences longer (without adding fluff) › how-to-m...
1. Connect ideas with conjunctions · 2. Use transitional phrases · 3. Give examples · 4. Be descriptive · 5. Replace contractions · 6. Expand ...
12 Real Ways to Make an Essay Longer - YourDictionary › ...
Use transition words and phrases like “with this in mind,” “on the contrary,” and “because….” These transitions should come at the beginning of each paragraph ...
Top 6 Tips to Optimize Sentence Length in Your Research ... › academy
Combining sentences into a longer one is a simple way of fixing short and choppy sentences. Use coordinating conjunctions (or, and, nor, but, or ...
Increasingly Verbose Generator – Make Your Paper Longer › verbose-generator
Then click the box to say you are not a robot and select the option to extend it. The verbose sentence generator increases the length of the content by adding a modifier, replacing phrases with longer ones and other techniques to make writing longer. The Advantages of Using Sentence Maker. A sentence extender is almost instant and you’ll have extended paper ready to use in no time at all saving you potentially hours of work if you had to work if you tried to extend manually.
Less Is Not More: How to Write Longer Sentences (if you really ... › blog
Step 1: Add Weasel Words · Step 2: Add Empty Phrases · Step 3: Add Redundancies · Step 4: Add Definitions · Step 5: Add Synonyms – the More, the ...
The Essay Expander Can Save Your Academic Career
Maybe you’ve made the point in four pages and have nothing more to say. Maybe you’re rapidly running out of time. Whatever the case, ... The extensor searches for one-word expressions …
How to make your sentences longer (without adding fluff) › how-to-make-sentences-longer
Aug 12, 2021 · If you want to make your sentences longer, conjunctions are your best friends. They're sometimes referred to as "glue words" because they connect ideas together. There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating, subordinating, and correlative. Coordinating conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions tend to link words or clauses of equal importance.
Text Inflator - Expand your block of writing
Inflate ». Text Inflator is a tool that expands the length of a block of writing without adding any additional meaning. Simply paste your paper, essay, report, article, speech, paragraph, or any other block of English writing below and choose a desperation setting. A higher desperation setting will expand your essay much more than a smaller ...
Nine Easy Steps to Longer Sentences | › humor
Use sophisticated verbs, the vaguer the better. The verb found is much too clear and simple, whereas indicate, develop, and identify are excellent multi-purpose ...
5 Effective Tips to Make Sentences Longer and Better - INK › ... › Long-form
However, the phrase can make your sentence confusing when used in the wrong place. Examples of transitional phrases are: as a consequence, in conclusion, in ...
How to make your sentences longer (without adding fluff) …
12.8.2021 · 5. Replace contractions. This tip is probably the most straightforward. Obviously, changing a contraction to its full form is going to make your sentences longer. But removing …
Increasingly Verbose Generator – Make Your Paper Longer
Simply either attach writing as a file or copy and paste the article into the box provided. Then click the box to say you are not a robot and select the option to extend it. The verbose sentence …
Complex Sentence Generator (Free Unlimited)
About Complex Sentence Generator. Welcome to Complex Sentence Generator Tool by SEO Tools Centre. It is a free word rewriter tool that can effectively paraphrase sentences, …
How to Write a Long Sentence: Tips + Example Sentences › ...
Once you've captivated readers, experiment with a couple of longer sentences. Read aloud to hear the rhythm and pay attention to how the sentence looks on ...