Create installation media for Windows › en-us › windowsTo create installation media, go to the software download website, where you'll find step-by-step instructions. On that website, you can select a version of Windows and create your own installation media using either a USB flash drive or a DVD. To go directly to one of the versions, select one of these links: Windows 7. Windows 8.1. Windows 10 (Then select Download tool now.) Windows 11 (Then select Download tool now.)
Downloading Package - Git · Download for Windows. Click here to download the latest (2.35.1) 32-bit version of Git for Windows.This is the most recent maintained build.It was released about 1 month ago, on 2022-02-01.. Other Git for Windows downloads Standalone Installer. 32-bit …
Ladda ned Windows 10ölj de här anvisningarna om du vill skapa installationsmedia (USB-enhet eller DVD) för att installera ett nytt exemplar av Windows 10, utföra en ren installation eller installera om Windows 10. Se till att du har följande innan du laddar ned verktyget: En Internetanslutning (avgifter från Internetleverantören kan tillkomma).
Download Windows 10 you install Windows 10, it’s a good idea to save any work and back up your PC before you start. If you used the media creation tool to download an ISO file for Windows 10, you’ll need to burn it to a DVD before following these steps. Attach the USB flash drive or insert the DVD on the PC where you want to install Windows 10.