15 plants with show-stopping white flowers | Homes To …
Plant them in areas of full sun and choose white-flowering cultivars such as 'Snowgoose', 'Snowball' and 'Snowstorm' for more abundant and longer-lasting flowers. Feed plants with a complete fertiliser in autumn and spring and …
White-Flowering Plants | White Flower Farm
www.whiteflowerfarm.com › white-plantsGathered here is a selection of white-flowering plants: annuals including Cosmos, Angelonias, Dahlias, Cleomes, Impatiens, and Begonias; perennials such as Echinaceas (Coneflowers), Daisies, Phlox, Lilies, Peonies, Astilbes, and Anemones; and shrubs including Hydrangeas, Roses, Clethras, Viburnums, White Forsythia ( Abeliophyllum distichum ), and Mock Orange (Philadelphus).