How to Calculate Veterans Pension - Pension - Veterans Affairs › pension › pencalcIf, for example, the annual income limit on December 1, 2005, for a Veteran and spouse, as set by Congress, is $13,855 and your income combined with your spouse's income is $10,855, your VA pension will be $3,000 ($13,855 - $10,855 = $3,000) paid in monthly installments.
Annual Income Limits - Health Benefits - Veterans Affairs › healthbenefits › annual_income_limitsMar 20, 2023 · VA National Income Threshold: VA Priority Group 8 Relaxation Threshold: VA Housebound Threshold: VA Aid and Attendance Threshold: VA Pension Threshold: Medical Expense Threshold: 0 dependents: $39,849: $43,834: $19,598: $26,752: $16,037: $738: 1 dependent: $47,818: $52,600: $24,562: $31,714: $21,001: $966: 2 dependents: $50,561: $55,617 ...