bi•lin•gual (baɪˈlɪŋ gwəl) adj. 1. able to speak two languages, esp. with the facility of a native speaker. 2. expressed in, involving, or using two languages: a bilingual dictionary; bilingual schools. n. 3. a bilingual person. [1835–45; < Latin bilingu (is)] bi•lin′gual•ly, adv.
Verkko180 votes, 86 comments. Hello everyone! I was wondering what makes someone bilingual. Would it be someone with two native languages, someone who is …
able to use two languages equally well: They are raising bilingual children. He is bilingual in Mandarin and English. She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company. (of a group or place) using two languages as main languages: Some cities such as Fribourg are bilingual.
Jun 12, 2017 · What Does It Really Mean to Be Bilingual? The Feeling. There is a multitude of varying opinions on what it really means to be bilingual. Culture, language, and personal identity are closely intertwined. If you’re just not feeling that connection, you may not be comfortable identifying yourself as a bilingual.
VerkkoBilingualism is the ability to speak two (or more) languages. People become bilingual for many reasons including: being born to parents who speak different languages, …
Bilingual is also a noun, and a person can be called a bilingual, like in the African country Chad, where the official languages are French and Arabic, and where many of the citizens are bilinguals. Definitions of bilingual adjective using or knowing two languages “ bilingual education” Synonyms: multilingual using or knowing more than one language
Being bilingual does not mean that one has to be a native user of both languages. How and why a person acquired their languages influence their own, and other people’s perception of the word “bilingual.” However, to be called bilingual, one needs to be capable of speaking the language to a degree where they can co… Näytä lisää
1 : having or expressed in two languages a bilingual document an officially bilingual nation 2 : using or able to use two languages especially with equal fluency bilingual in English and Japanese 3 : of or relating to bilingual education bilingual noun bilingually adverb Example Sentences Several of the employees are bilingual.
Some say that bilingual means that a person is a native speaker of two languages. Others say bilingual means that someone is fluent in two languages. There are …
VerkkoBilingualism, or being bilingual, means an individual is capable of communicating in two different languages. They could learn both languages simultaneously at a young …
When looking at bilingualism in the context of 'who it is that's able to speak more than one language?' there are different definitions to refer to one ...
Bilingual means “a person fluent in two languages.” In casual conversation, bilingual means someone who speaks two languages or wants to learn a second ...
What does bilingual mean exactly, then? In common terms, it’s often assumed that being bilingual is the ability to communicate understandably in two languages. …
The bilingual does, too, that is, she speaks parts of two languages, and they very rarely coincide exactly. If she is a lawyer, for example, she may work …