Tuple - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TupleThe term originated as an abstraction of the sequence: single, couple/double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, septuple, octuple, ..., n‑tuple, ..., where the prefixes are taken from the Latin names of the numerals. The unique 0-tuple is called the null tuple or empty tuple. A 1‑tuple is called a single (or singleton), a 2‑tuple is called an ordered pair or couple, and a 3‑tuple is called a triple (or triplet). The number n can be any nonnegative integer. For example, a complex number can …
What comes after double, triple, quadruple? — The Answer
https://linguaholic.com/linguablog/what-comes-after-double-triple...Double is two times, triple is three and quadruple is four. Next up is quintuple (five), sextuple (six), septuple (seven), octuple (eight), nonuple (nine) and decuple (ten). After ten, there’s undecuple (eleven), duodecuple (twelve) and tredecuple (thirteen), while a hundred times is a centuple. Näytä lisääAs noted above, words like double, triple and quadruple can be used as either an adjective or a verb. As an adjective, these words can be placed directly before a noun to modify it. In … Näytä lisääTo use double and other words as a verb, all you need to remember is that there are two types of verb: intransitive and transitive verbs. Double, triple, quadruple and their followers … Näytä lisääAll that looking up Latin number words in a dictionary gets tiring pretty quickly. Fortunately, there’s a simpler way to talk about actions or properties that are multiples of the ordinary amount. If you’ve been paying close … Näytä lisää
2=double,3=triple,what's for 4,5,6,e.t.c. | English |
https://www.proz.com › kudoz › otherEnglish translation: 2 = double, 3 = triple, 4 = quadruple, 5 = quintuple, 6 = sextuple, 7 = septuple, 8 = octuple ; English term or phrase: 2= ...
The Uple List: Latin numerals in English - InRebus
inrebus.com › uplelist1 - single. 2 - duple. 3 - triple. 4 - quadruple. 5 - quintuple. 6 - sextuple. 7 - septuple. 8 - octuple. 9 - nonuple. 10 - decuple. 11 - undecuple. 12 - duodecuple. 13 - tredecuple. 14 - quattuordecuple. 15 - quindecuple. 16 - sexdecuple. 17 - septendecuple. 18 - octodecuple. 19 - novemdecuple. 20 - vigenuple. 21 - unvigenuple. 22 - duovigenuple.
Tuple - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › TupleIn mathematics, a tuple is a finite sequence or ordered list of numbers or, more generally, mathematical objects, which are called the elements of the tuple. An n-tuple is a tuple of n elements, where n is a non-negative integer. There is only one 0-tuple, called the empty tuple.