Online Degrees and Postgraduate Studies from Top ... - Coursera › degreesCoursera hosts affordable online master's degrees from accredited universities in Data Science, Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering, MBA, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Public Health, Finance, Public Policy, International Relations, and more.
Higher education accreditation - Wikipedia formal system for accreditation of State University programs in Italy began in 1933, with the (R.D. 31.8.1933, n.1592, art. 167). This law accredits a set of Universities, faculties, and courses. A further modification was the Law 14 agosto 1982, n. 590, where a set of new Universities were accredited. A new system of accreditation was approved by Law 9 maggio 1989, n. 168. It involves two separate but correlated programs that were instituted at the same time: First, each Universit…