weboodi.uniarts.fi revocation status
certificate.revocationcheck.com › weboodiRefreshing certificate chain and revocation status for weboodi.uniarts.fi, one moment while we re-check the weboodi.uniarts.fi certificate and related intermediate certificates... You need to clear your local browser cache or use a private browsing session to immediately see the refreshed results when this refresh has completed...
Uniarts Helsinki | Highest level of arts education in Finland
www.uniarts.fi › enThe University of the Arts Helsinki provides the highest level of education in music, fine arts, theatre and dance. We were established in 2013, when the Academy of Fine Arts, Sibelius Academy and Theatre Academy were merged. 1,889 students 621 performances in a year 22nd best in the world in performing arts (QS ranking 2022) 20%
All Arsca services are online – check ... - Uniarts Library
lib.uniarts.fi › en › articlesJul 24, 2020 · Your Uniarts e-mail address is imported from WebOodi to Arsca, so you only need to check your street address. You can add your phone number and (if you like) your personal e-mail address to Arsca by using this form in Arsca (unlike other information, your phone number and personal e-mail address will not be imported from WebOodi to Arsca). New student: you can ask the library to add this information when you collect your library card.
Sound Art and Sonic Arts study module | Uniarts Helsinki
www.uniarts.fi › en › study-programmesThe artistic practices and contexts of sound art stem from the fields of music, sound design, visual arts and performing arts. With its diverse areas of expertise, Uniarts Helsinki offers an excellent environment as well as the necessary facilities for an interdisciplinary approach to Sound Art and Sonic Arts. SAMA is coordinated by the Uniarts Helsinki Open Campus, and planned jointly by Time and Space Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts, the Master’s Degree Programme in Sound Design at the ...