Online warm ups are short exercises performed at the beginning of a meeting to introduce new team members, conquer awkwardness, and help teammates get to know each other. Distributed teams need to adapt their team culture to take their geographical distance into account.
In this post, find 20+ warm ups and energizers (also known as "icebreakers") you can bring to your next team meeting. Use warm ups 🔥 and energizers 🔋 (a.k.a. " icebreakers " 🧊🔨) to make meetings fun, spark creativity with your team, boost energy, and even build trust — no matter if your team is distributed/remote, in the office, "hybrid," or whatever.
28.3.2021 · Welche Kennenlern-Spiele und Warm-ups passen in dein Online-Meeting? Wie bekommt man seine KollegInnen wach, aktiviert und motiviert, trotz der andauernden Zusammenarbeit am Rechner? Wir haben eine kleine Sammlung von unseren Lieblings-Warm-ups und Kennenlern-Spielen für Online-Meetings zusammengestellt. Alle Warm-ups sind Workshop …
Two truths and a lie. This is one of the most creative and fun ice breaker games. Each participant will come-up with three facts about himself: Two of them are true, and one is a credible lie. Everybody writes the facts on sticky notes on the online whiteboard. Next, everyone shares their three statements and the group votes or discusses the ...
Sep 09, 2021 · You can go around the groups with these types of icebreakers. 1. No smiling. A no-smiling is a simple game to energize your team. You can use it during management training, employee induction, or groups dealing with demanding work projects. This activity is simple: during a call, pick a volunteer to crack a joke.
Jul 02, 2020 · This is a fun warm-up that involves physical movement and stretching, which can be useful as a way to energize participants who have been sitting in lots of virtual meetings! Ask everyone to stand-up (although sitting could work too). The activity involves first shaking the right arm, then the left arm, then the right leg, and then the left leg.
Match the length of the warm-up to the length of the meeting. A one-hour meeting should have a warm-up that’s about 5-7 minutes, while a multi-hour meeting can have one that’s a bit longer. A warm-up that’s too long leaves people feeling like they are wasting time, so keep it to a length they will appreciate. Make sure your warm-up has a ...
Consider these tips when choosing the right warm-up for your virtual meeting: Match the length of the warm-up to the length of the meeting. A one-hour meeting should have a warm-up that’s about 5-7 minutes, while a multi-hour meeting can have one that’s a bit longer. A warm-up that’s too long leaves people feeling like they are wasting time, so keep it to a length they will appreciate.
9.9.2021 · You can go around the groups with these types of icebreakers. 1. No smiling. A no-smiling is a simple game to energize your team. You can use it during management training, employee induction, or groups dealing with demanding work projects. This activity is simple: during a call, pick a volunteer to crack a joke.
2.7.2020 · The activity involves first shaking the right arm, then the left arm, then the right leg, and then the left leg. Start by doing 6 shakes of each, while everyone counts together 1-2-3-4-5-6. Then do 4 shakes, then 2, and finally 1. At the end, have everyone cheer and clap. And, for a more playful approach, you could invite participants to strike ...
4.5.2020 · 2. Eye Spy. Play a game of eye spy with the people in the class to figure out whose background you are looking at. This might get fun for classes that have a mixture of virtual backgrounds and home backgrounds. 3. Storytime. Students will build a …
Die Top 5 Remote Warmup-Spiele für Workshops & Meetings. Remote Warmup Spiele und oder Energizer-Spiele sollte Teil eines jeden digitalen Workshops oder Remote Meetings sein. In Zeiten von Home-Office und Remote-Working sind diese noch viel wichtiger, als bei „klassischen“ Präsenz-Workshops. Das permanente „zuhause sein“ drückt auf ...
6.4.2020 · In this short virtual energizer, a group must count up to a number (usually twenty), taking turns at random, with no two people speaking at the same time. If two people speak at the same time, even for a second, the group must start over at number 1. The group has succeeded when they have counted up to the set number.
Jan 30, 2021 · Warm-Ups als Begrüßung oder Vorstellungsrunde von Online-Meetings sind eine bekannte Praxis für einen gelungen (digitalen) Meeting-Start. Gut durchgeführt, schaffen sie eine tolle Bassi für produktive Treffen und bringen positive Energie in den virtuellen Raum. Wie Warm-Ups gelingen, erfahrt ihr hier! ARTIKEL VON Theyo. 30.
From time to time, the Facilitators of MPI's online courses will ask the participants to lead an icebreaker or warm-up activity. This can be a challenge on Zoom ...