Apple Wallet on the App Store › us › appThe Wallet app lives right on your iPhone. It’s where you securely keep your credit and debit cards, transit cards, boarding passes, tickets, car keys, and more — all in one place. And it all works with iPhone or Apple Watch, so you can take less with you but always bring more. APPLE PAY Apple Pay is the one way to pay.
My Wallet on the App Store › us › appA simple Home Budget management app that allows many users to join the same Home budget setting, keep track of expenses and view the current status of home's finance. Using this app, you can: - Define a budgeting plan that suits your current financial status. - Keep track of income and expense of the month. - Share monthly financial status with ...
Aktia Wallet › fi › paivittaiset-raha-asiatWallet-varmenteella voit vahvistaa MasterCard SecureCode -palveluun liittyneen kauppiaan sivuilla tekemäsi verkko-ostokset helposti PIN-koodilla tai sormenjäljellä. Saat Wallet-varmenteen käyttöösi Aktia Wallet -sovelluksen kohdasta "Maksa verkossa". Valitse "Ota käyttöön" ja seuraa sovelluksen antamia ohjeita.
MetaMask - Blockchain Wallet - Apps on Google Play › store › appsApr 20, 2023 · The MetaMask app is both a wallet & a browser. Buy, send, spend & exchange your digital assets. Make payments to anyone, anywhere. Log into websites securely to trade assets, lend, borrow, play games, publish content, buy rare digital art, and so much more. • Use MetaMask’s key vault, secure login and digital wallet to manage your digital ...