In vscode using Python, ctrl+F5 always asks for "select ... › questions › 49312540Mar 16, 2018 · In vscode using Python, ctrl+F5 always asks for "select environment". I installed VSCode, downloaded official Python 3.6.4. VSCode detected and set the environment right - I do see "python.pythonPath" user setting set correctly. But, when using VS Code using Ctrl + F5 to run a Python file, I am always getting asked for "select environment" and it shows me two options - Python - Python Experimental.
Visual Studio Code Key Bindings › docs › getstartedTo launch the Define Keybinding widget, press Ctrl+K Ctrl+K. The widget listens for key presses and renders the serialized JSON representation in the text box and below it, the keys that VS Code has detected under your current keyboard layout. Once you've typed the key combination you want, you can press Enter and a rule snippet will be inserted.
F5 Anything - Visual Studio Marketplace › itemsF5 Anything Lets you put any normal console command or VSCode command into a launch.json configuration so you can run it with F5 (or whatever your normal run/debug keybind is). Simply install the extension then add a configuration like this to the launch.json file in the .vscode folder of your workspace: