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vscode ctrl+f5 not working

Visual studio commands don't work. ctrl + f5 doesn't run my ... › questions › 913054
May 26, 2009 · My F5 and Ctrl + F5 wasn't working in VS 2013 and this answer solved my problem in an indirect way. I found the "F Lock" key on my MS keyboard and pressed it, probably turning it off even though a little light came on at the bottom of the keyboard where NumLock and CapLock lights come on.
Visual studio commands don't work. ctrl + f5 doesn't run my ... › questions
I'm having this issue, my F-Lock is set correctly, I've reset my settings, I can see in the Debug menu that CTRL+F5 is assigned. F5 works. Other key ...
VSCode some shortcuts not working properly - Stack Overflow › questions › 58946149
Nov 20, 2019 · Press "cmd+shift+p" to open command palette Type "Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts" and hit enter Press "option+cmd+k" to start recording keys. Press the short cut keys that are not working (in my case "cmd+k cmd+0" ). This will list all the instances of that shortcut keys.
Can't press Ctrl+F5 to start without debugging in VsCode on ... › microsoft › vscode
Feb 2, 2021 · Press Ctrl+F5to start without debugging; Actual Result The program cannot be run and vscode windows will be closed auto. Expected Result The program starts without hitting the breakpoint.
Rust Question: How to make ctrl-f5 run a release executable › comments
I'm using VSCode to build and debug Rust code using Rust Analyzer and Code LLDB on Fedora Linux. Everything works great; specifically, ...
"Restart (Ctrl + Shift + F5)" Button Does Not Work #85386 › microsoft › vscode
Nov 13, 2019 · "Restart (Ctrl + Shift + F5)" Button Does Not Work · Issue #85386 · microsoft/vscode · GitHub Closed on Nov 22, 2019 · 33 comments edujr1 commented on Nov 22, 2019 "Restart Window" option for extension updates does not restart all instances of VS Code (#17624) Feature request: Update on next restart (#38876)
How do I get F5 to run Visual Studio Code in ChromeOS › questions › h...
The program does not run at all. When I press Ctrl + F5 , ChromeOS Flex takes a screen shot instead of running without debug.
Debugging in VS Code suddenly stopped working › debu...
Debugging in VS Code suddenly stopped working ... of the window or starting through the terminal, but nothing happens when using Ctrl + F5 .
Ctrl + f5 does nothing. While f5 executes program correctly › microsoft › issues
EDIT After the first debug session ends, this problem arises. Restarting vscode and restarting computer doesn't help.
Ctrl + F5 not working after recent upgrade › ...
5 today and now Ctrl + F5 no longer builds/launches in the browser. I already uninstalled/reinstalled Chrome with no luck. Ctrl + Shift + W seems to work fine.
Keyboard Shortcuts - Business Central | Microsoft Learn › dev-itpro
Debugging in Visual Studio Code ; Ctrl+F5, Publish without building. Note: The keyboard shortcut has a different meaning when not debugging.
Visual Studio Code Key Bindings › docs › getstarted
Most importantly, you can see keybindings according to your keyboard layout. For example, key binding Cmd+\ in US keyboard layout will be shown as Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Cmd+7 when layout is changed to German. The dialog to enter key binding will assign the correct and desired key binding as per your keyboard layout.