Volter Oy
https://volter.fiKukkahattu-insinöörimme” auttavat sinua tuotteistamaan ja kaupallistamaan cleantech-tuotteesi tai tuottamaan omaa vihreää sähköäsi.
Volter Oy – Technical Visit
www.techbusinessvaasa.fi › company › volter-oyVolter Oy. With Volter you can produce your own green electricity and heat locally- when you need it. Wherever you are. Whatever the weather is. Our premium technology puts the power in your hands. We are pioneers in the development of wood gasification technology. Our technology replaces one litre of oil with approximately two kilograms of dry ...
Volter Oy – Finland Cleantech Companies
www.finlandcleantech.fi › company › volter-oyWith Volter you can produce your own green electricity and heat locally- when you need it. Wherever you are. Whatever the weather is. Our premium technology puts the power in your hands. We are pioneers in the development of wood gasification technology. Our technology replaces one litre of oil with approximately two kilograms of dry wood.
Volter Oy Profile - Energy XPRT
www.energy-xprt.com › companies › volter-oy-50909Volter Oy Profile. Companies. Energy. Renewable Energy. Volter Oy. Adopting new renewable energy sources is one of the greatest future opportunities of our planet. Biomasses are a potential alternative to fossil fuels. There is tangible evidence of this from Kempele Ecovillage since 2009. The electricity and heat for the ten houses in Kempele ...