The peripheral neuropathy of vitamin B12 deficiency - PubMed › 6097649Abstract. Nerve conduction studies and sural nerve biopsy were performed on three patients with vitamin B12 deficiency and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. The pathological findings were those of axonal degeneration; there was no evidence of demyelination. The patients were reviewed at intervals of 5-15 years commencement of treatment; progression of the neuropathy had been arrested by treatment, but in all cases residual neurological abnormalities persisted.
B12 as a Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: A ... › pmc › articlesJul 25, 2020 · A single study explored the relationship between improving painful symptoms related to uraemic diabetic neuropathy with the administration of vitamin B12. In this prospective cohort study by Kuwabara et al. ( n = 10) 500 μg methylcobalamin was administered intravenously three times a week for six months to patients receiving regular haemodialysis with polyneuropathy secondary to uraemia and diabetes.
Vitamin B12 and Neuropathy | Mayo Clinic Connect › discussion › vitamin-b12Dec 09, 2019 · Because it is in a low, but normal range, 2 neurologists, 2 pain specialists, and 1 primary care physician of mine, did not catch that it was low. Only this nurse did, and now I need a week of daily Vitamin B12 shots, and then weekly, for a month. If you have neuropathy, B12 level should be at least at 400. Mine is at 185.