Villa Maria | Made for the moment, Made from New Zealand
www.villamariawines.comProduced in only the most exceptional vintages with painstaking attention to detail, it is a highly aspirational project and the most comprehensive and focused wine Villa Maria has ever produced. The 2018 Hawkes Bay vintage followed on from one of the warmest summers on record providing superb conditions for ripening, to produce this true ...
Villa Maria Academy Lower School | Best Girls Private Schools ...
villamaria.orgOur Mission. Energized by the IHM Charism of love, creative hope and fidelity, Villa Maria Academy. empowers young girls for spiritual and moral development, academic excellence, leadership and service within a Catholic, private learning community. Attend a K-8 Open House Attend a Preschool Open House Apply for Admission.
Villa Maria College - See For Yourself!
www.villa.eduVilla Maria College is a diverse and inclusive community where students are defined by their potential, not their financial status. At Villa, students learn the skills that are necessary to do well in the classroom, pass on the College’s long-held values and ideals of doing good in the world, and lend all the support we can to turn aspirations into realities, potential into promise.