Controlling Revit Viewport Title | CADnotes › controlling-revit-viewportOct 25, 2010 · What if you only want to have one Revit viewport without title, and let other viewports show the title? Easy. Create a duplicate of the viewport type (by default the type name is viewport 1), give it a name that shows the behavior, and change the new type properties. Now you can use ‘no title’ type for only certain viewport. More Viewport Tips
Revit Tip and Tricks 1: Viewport Titles - BIMicon › viewport-titleNov 30, 2020 · 1. Select the Viewport with the title and click Edit in Properties 2. Check the name of the family used in Title, in this case M_View Title 3. Untick Show Extension Line 4. Go to Families > Annotation Symbol, right-click on M_View Title and click on Edit in the emerging menu. 5. Select the Title and Duplicate the Label and tick Underline 6.
Title not showing up on Sheets - Revit Forum › node › 43032Sep 23, 2019 · Next to the Yes to show View Title, you have to make sure the Label itself shows the title as well. So look up the family displayed behind the Title and see whats in there and change that if needed. Company Website: Revit Ideas: Is this family Mirrored? | Approve warnings | Family Type parameter just those in the family elitecoyote