Mental Health Fact Sheet – Telemental Health - Veterans Affairs › PREVENTS › docsMore than 50% of Americans will be diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime (CDC). • 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in a given year (CDC) • 1 in 5 children, either currently or at some point in their lifetime, have had a seriously debilitating mental illness (CDC) • Annual prevalence of mental illness among U.S. adults,
Veteran Mental Health - Facts and Stats that need to be ... · Troubling Veteran Mental Health Facts and Statistics that Need to be Addressed. According to the RAND Center for Military Health Policy Research 20 percent of the vets who served in either Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from either major depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. 19.5 percent of vets in these two categories have experienced a ...
Veteran Mental Health - Facts and Stats that need to be Addressed › veteran-mentalMar 25, 2016 · Troubling Veteran Mental Health Facts and Statistics that Need to be Addressed. March 25, 2016 / National Veterans Foundation / Mental Health Care. According to the RAND Center for Military Health Policy Research 20 percent of the vets who served in either Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from either major depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. 19.5 percent of vets in these two categories have experienced a traumatic brain injury.