LIVE TRAFFIC RADAR - Radar Tracker › marine_trafficIt allows every ship owner to show its current position, speed and route and the actual position of all ships, vessels, yachts, freighters or cruiser ships near them on the radar. This is a very important security tool to prevent collisions between ships. The AIS system is able to locate ships with which a collision could be possible.
Air-to-Surface Vessel radar - Wikipedia, Air-to-Surface Vessel, or ASV radar for short, is a classification used by the Royal Air Force (RAF) to refer to a series of aircraft-mounted radar systems used to scan the surface of the ocean to locate ships and surfaced submarines. The first examples were developed just before the opening of World War II and they have remained a major instrument on patrol aircraft since that time. It is part of the wider surface search radarclassification, which includes similar radars in gr…
Marine radar - Wikipedia radars are X band or S band radars on ships, used to detect other ships and land obstacles, to provide bearing and distance for collision avoidance and navigation at sea. They are electronic navigation instruments that use a rotating antenna to sweep a narrow beam of microwavesaround the water surface surrounding the ship to the horizon, detecting targets by microwaves reflecte…