Welcome to VEHCS!
pcit.aphis.usda.gov › vehcs › facesVeterinary Export Health Certification System (VEHCS) VEHCS system facilitates creation and endorsement of animal health certificates for export. It helps APHIS/VS to certify compliance with importing countries requirements, and to automate tracking and reporting of exported live animals.
Welcome to VEHCS! - USDA
pcit.aphis.usda.gov › vehcs › facesWelcome to VEHCS! The VEHCS certificate viewer is a tool that is used to authenticate United States Federal export certificates. To view a certificate, please enter all the fields below and then click the 'View Certificate Data' button. Help is available by clicking Need Help? located toward the top right corner of any page or by hovering the ...
VEHCS Certificate Viewer - USDA
pcit-training.aphis.usda.gov › VEHCSHelp › vehcs1. Connect to VEHCS using the Web address: https://pcit.aphis.usda.gov/vehcs/. RESULT: The Log In page displays. 2. At the bottom of the screen, click the VEHCS Certificate Viewer link. RESULT: The Search for a Certificate page appears. 3. Complete the required fields of the Search for a Certificate page as follows: