Vantaa Info, Tikkurila | Service map › en › unitVantaa Info in Tikkurila is a service point of the City of Vantaa. We offer general guidance related to the services of the City of Vantaa and our partners, as well as support for seeking out services. In addition to the service points, we provide guidance by phone, email and chat. Our partners include Helsinki Region Transport HSL, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Kela, TE ...
Vantaa-info, Tikkurila | Vantaa › toimipiste › vantaa-info-tikkurilaTikkurilan suuralue Asiakaspalvelu ja neuvonta Tieto- ja hallintopalvelut. Tikkurilan Vantaa-info on Vantaan kaupungin asiointipiste. Tarjoamme Vantaan kaupungin ja yhteistyökumppaneidemme palveluihin liittyvää yleisneuvontaa ja tukea palveluihin hakeutumisessa. Palvelemme asiointipisteiden lisäksi puhelimitse, sähköpostilla sekä chatissa.
Vantaa Info, Tikkurila | Vantaa › en › servicesVantaa Info in Tikkurila is a service point of the City of Vantaa. We offer general guidance related to the services of the City of Vantaa and our partners, as well as support for seeking out services. In addition to the service points, we provide guidance by phone, email and chat. Our partners include Helsinki Region Transport HSL, the Digital ...