Akkujärjestelmät | Valmet Automotive
www.valmet-automotive.com › fi › sahkoautotValmet Automotive on valmistanut akkujärjestelmiä ja -moduuleja vuodesta 2017. Perustimme ensimmäisen akkujen suursarjatuotantotehtaan Saloon vuonna 2019, ja vuoden 2021 loppupuolella aloitti toimintansa Uudessakaupungissa toinen suursarjatuotantoon yltävä akkutehtaamme, joka on osa autotehdastamme ja sitoutumistamme sähköajoneuvoihin.
What we do | Valmet automotive
heippafossiilit.fi › en › what-we-do20221128 VALMET AUTOMOTIVE: Valmet Automotiven akkutehdas Salossa. HR -kuva, henkilökuva, mainoskuva. Salo. KUVA/PHOTO: RONI LEHTI. Quality. The battery plant quality team ensures that the battery modules and packs we manufacture meet our customers’ specifications. We inspect both the received materials and the products shipped from the plant.
Valmet Automotive | The fast lane to future vehicles
www.valmet-automotive.comValmet Automotive is a multilateral specialist whose three main areas of business develop their own services and foster their own customer relations. At the same time, they complement their resources so precisely and perfectly that many customers are able to leverage an overarching range of services. Like e-drive engineering, now part of our ...
Company | Valmet Automotive
www.valmet-automotive.com › companySince the founding of Valmet Automotive in 1968, the company has stood for holistic vehicle manufacturing on behalf of renowned OEMs. More than 1.8 million vehicles – such as for Mercedes-Benz, Saab and Porsche – have left our production lines to date in Uusikaupunki, Finland. Flexibility and agility, with an economical mindset, are what ...