Valamon luostari | Etusivu Monastery is an active centre of the Orthodox religious life and culture in Finland. Located in the beautiful surroundings of Heinävesi, the monastery welcomes visitors throughout the year. The peaceful …
Valamon luostari | History › en › monasteryTraditionally it has been believed that Valamo monastery was founded in the 12th century, or at the latest in the 14th century. Two saints who lived an ascetic way of life on the island, Saints Serge and Herman of Valamo, are considered the foundation fathers of the monastery. The long history of the monastery includes periods of strong growth ...
Valamon luostari | Etusivu
valamo.fiValamon munkkiluostari on ortodoksisen uskonelämän ja kulttuurin elävä keskus. Valamon luostari kuuluu Suomen ortodoksiseen kirkkoon, joka on autonominen kirkko Konstantinopolin patriarkaatin alaisuudessa. Luonnonkauniilla Heinävedellä sijaitseva luostari ottaa vieraita vastaan ympäri vuoden.
New Valamo - Wikipedia › wiki › New_ValamoNew Valamo or New Valaam (Finnish: Valamon luostari, or more informally, especially in the postal address: Uusi-Valamo, Swedish: Valamo nya kloster, Russian: Ново-Валаамский) is an Orthodox monastery in Heinävesi, Finland. The monastery was established in its present location in 1940.
Valamon luostari | Etusivu › enValamo Monastery is an active centre of the Orthodox religious life and culture in Finland. Located in the beautiful surroundings of Heinävesi, the monastery welcomes visitors throughout the year. The peaceful atmosphere of the monastery and close proximity to nature offer the hurried people in the busy world of today a rare opportunity to ...