Election as to Payment of Disability Award - Policies
The total number of annual payments or total amount of any full or partial lump sum payment is at the choosing of the member or Veteran and such choice must be provided in writing. Interest A member or Veteran who elects annual payments is entitled to an amount of interest for each year determined in accordance with section 54.2 of the Veterans Well-being Regulations (VWR) .
www.ssa.gov › forms › ssa-8Form SSA-8 (01-2020) UF Discontinue Prior Editions. Social Security Administration Page 1 of 4. OMB No. 0960-0013. APPLICATION FOR LUMP-SUM DEATH PAYMENT* I apply for all insurance benefits for which I am eligible under Title II (Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) of the Social Security Act, as presently amended,
Forms - Veterans Affairs Canada
www.veterans.gc.ca › eng › formsMy VAC Account offers guided Web forms for many programs and services available from Veterans Affairs Canada. These forms are functional, easy to use, and designed based on feedback from Veterans. Your progress is saved as you make your way through the form, so you can come back at any time to continue your application.