VA Survivor Benefits: 2022 Guide - SmartAsset › va-survivor-benefits-guideMay 20, 2022 · To qualify for VA Survivors Pension benefits, recipients have to be spouses or unmarried dependent children of vets who served in wartime. Eligible conflicts include the Mexican Border War in 1916 and 1917 through the Gulf War beginning in 1990. In addition, recipients have to meet financial requirements based on net worth. VA calculates net worth by adding income and assets. For 2022, the net worth limit to be eligible for survivors pension benefits is $138,489.
Survivor Benefits - › survivor-benefitsThe Survivor Pension, also called the Death Pension, is available to eligible survivors and dependents of certain veterans who served during wartime. The amount of the Survivor Pension is income-based and is paid as a tax-free monthly benefit. To be considered a qualifying veteran for Survivor Pension purposes, the deceased veteran must meet ...
Survivors Pension - Pension - Veterans Affairs › pension › spousepenYour yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Survivors Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the Survivors Pension benefit. How to Apply. To apply for Survivors Pension, download and complete VA Form 21P-534EZ, “Application for DIC, Death Pension, and/or Accrued Benefits” and mail it to the Pension Management Center (PMC) that serves your state.