How to Get a VA Rating for PTSD and Depression - VA Claims ... › how-to-get-a-va-rating-forAug 26, 2019 · VA claims for PTSD and Depression are rated on the same general scale according to CFR 38, Part 4, Schedule for Rating Disabilities, General Rating Formula for Mental Disorders. In order to get a VA rating for PTSD and Depression, you need to have (1) A medical diagnosis of both conditions with a separate diagnosis for each, (2) A clear Nexus to prove service connection for PTSD and Depression, and (3) Current symptoms of the mental health conditions.
VA Disability Ratings for Anxiety, Depression or Adjustment ... › va-rating-for-anxietyThankfully, the VA now recognizes service-connected conditions like anxiety, depression, and adjustment disorder. Each of these can have a profound impact on your ability to live your day-to-day life and work. Despite this, veterans are still sometimes denied the benefits they need and deserve. If anxiety, depression, and/or adjustment disorder is preventing you from working, you need to make sure you are maximizing your benefits. Home | Veterans Affairs, the Veteran's disability compensation for PTSD expressly contemplates anxiety and depression as a symptoms. 38 C.F.R. § 4.130, Diagnostic Code 9411. Consequently, the currently claimed anxiety disorder and depressive disorder must consist of distinct symptoms that are wholly separate from PTSD to be separately service connected.