FairUTU | University of Turku
www.utu.fi › en › fairutuIn order to check postgraduate theses and dissertations, a Moodle-Turnitin course must be requested from utu.fi/tilaaturnitin. In the request form’s Reasons for wanting this course field, mark that it is a dissertation concerning a postgraduate degree that must be checked. The abbreviation “Turnitin, diss.” may be used.
Turun yliopiston Moodle
moodle.utu.fiAug 31, 2022 · Turun yliopiston Moodle verkko-oppimisympäristö. Käyttötuki: helpdesk@utu.fi. Siirry pääsisältöön. ... helpdesk@utu.fi puh. 029 450 6000. Kaikki kurssit;
moodle.edu.turku.fiMoodle-osoitteet ovat: Lukiot ja peruskoulut - http://lukio.edu.turku.fi/ Ammatillinen koulutus, "Taito" - http://taito.edu.turku.fi/ Ammatillinen koulutus, "eTAI ...
University of Turku
www.utu.fi › enThe University of Turku is an active academic community of 25,000 students and personnel. We study, teach, and work for a better future.
Peppi Study System | University of Turku
www.utu.fi › en › study-at-utuSep 10, 2021 · University of Turku has implemented a new study data system in the summer of 2021. The new system, Peppi, replaces the old systems Nettiopsu, Opsu, study plan system (hops), Open University Nettiopsu and Rekka. Students and Staff can use the new system from 2 August 2021 onwards. This page will not be updated from 30 November 2021 onwards.