Endicia Tracking
www.endicia.com › TrackingThe U.S. Postal Service can be reached at 1-800-ASK-USPS. Endicia will not be able to answer any delivery questions, as we do not have any information other than what is shown on this page. For questions on your package, call 1-800-ASK-USPS TRACK ANOTHER PACKAGE TRACK PACKAGE Try the #1 USPS Shipping Software for yourself
Endicia Tracking
www.endicia.com › trackingTo check on the delivery status of your parcel, enter the tracking number in the field below. TRACK PACKAGE The tracking number is located at the bottom of the Endicia shipping label (circled in the diagram to the right). Do not include dashes or spaces. Please note that tracking numbers are only retained for six (6) months. Important Note: