Jul 18, 2022 · As well as being a punctuation mark used for contractions, apostrophes can be used to mark possession, in which case they are called possessive apostrophes. In primary school, at KS2 level, children are taught how to recognise the different types of apostrophes used and their meaning.
Activity 3. Write these plural words out and add an apostrophe for possession. Remember when adding an apostrophe for possession to plural words you add the apostrophe after the s at the end. For ...
1.5.2020 · Learn how to punctuate singular and plural possessive nouns to show ownership. Learn when the apostrophe comes before the 's' and when it goes after the 's'....
A series of worksheets for ages 7-11 on using apostrophes to show possession. Extracts are taken from the KS2 story book 'Code-Cracking for Beginners'. This series of differentiated …
Write an answer to each question using a singular noun with an apostrophe. Remember that to show possession you normally add an apostrophe and the letter s ('s) ...
This PowerPoint is a great introduction to possessive apostrophes. It explains how and when they are used and includes plenty of examples. Challenge children to use what they have learnt to …
An apostrophe can be used to show that one thing belongs to or is connected to something. This is called a possessive apostrophe. Let's take a look at some examples. The cat's tail was fluffy. …
A series of worksheets for ages 7-11 on using apostrophes to show possession. Extracts are taken from the KS2 story book 'Code-Cracking for Beginners'. This series of differentiated …
12.11.2017 · pdf, 283.69 KB Three differentiated worksheets that focus on being able to use apostrophes for possession. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Get this resource as part of a …
This series of differentiated worksheets gives KS2 children objects and characters from the Originals WW2 story 'Code-Cracking for Beginners' and asks them to write the possessive phrase using an apostrophe. Higher levels of differentiation include plural possessive and more complicated phrasing. Answers are provided. Twinkl Key Stage 2 - Year 3, 4, 5, 6 English Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Punctuation Apostrophes.
Includes worksheets and an adult guide to help KS2 children consolidate their knowledge of using possessive apostrophes with both singular and plural nouns.
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This bright, appealing grammar worksheet is an excellent way to practise and revise using apostrophes for possession and contraction in Year 2. It is divided ...
In Years 3 & 4, students are aiming to: place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals (for example, girls’, boys’) and in words with irregular plurals (for example,...
Oct 03, 2022 · pdf, 108.48 KB. This resource includes three teaching PowerPoints and three associated worksheets. They cover the use of the possessive apostrophe with singular nouns, plural nouns and irregular plural nouns. The PowerPoints have a small number of animated examples, a ‘rule’ statement and an invitation to do follow-up work.
One of the trickiest SPaG concepts to teach in KS2 is when and how to use singular and plural possessive apostrophes. This apostrophe PowerPoint presentation could act as a fantastic …
Where next? How to use apostrophes in contractions. How to use hyphens and dashes. Discover more KS2 English videos and activities. Find more primary resources from BBC Bitesize
18.7.2022 · A possessive apostrophe is a punctuation mark used to show that one element of a sentence is connected to or belongs to another element. In other words, as its name indicates, …
5.4.2017 · What will I learn? How apostrophes are used to show that something belongs to someone or something.Questions: When there is something belonging to one person...