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use or used in a sentence

use vs. used what is the correct usage? [duplicate] › u...
For example- I can study with the TV on. I am used to it. It means I am accustomed, adjusted, or don't mind having the TV play while I'm ...
Used To vs. Use To - Daily Writing Tips › us...
He USED to go to the game on Friday. He USE to go to the game on Friday. When the statement is positive, as in the reader's example, the expression is used to ...
Learn English Grammar: USE, USED, and USED TO - YouTube › watch
How do you use the verb USE? The answer is, in several different ways! In this lesson, I will explain how to use this common verb, ...
Use "used-to" in a sentence | "used-to" sentence examples › sentence › used-to-in-sentence
Complex Sentences with "used-to". A complex sentence with "used-to" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause.
What is the grammatically correct usage of “use” or “used” in a ...
Answer (1 of 7): Both the infinitive use to and the past tense used to are correct in their proper contexts. Use to is an unusual phrasal verb that exists only in the above two forms. I don't know whether the technical grammatical term defective can be applied to phrasal verbs, but use to cerain...
Use Or In A Sentence | Short Example Sentence For Use Or
Use or attempt to use any Net other than a Skim or Skein Net. Use or attempt to use any Net in the months of April, May, and June. The results will no doubt prove of interest to those concerned in …
"Used to" or "Use to" - Differences And Grammar Rules
6.10.2022 · And the visitor is looking for a partner to work out together, so he asks, “ Did you use to …” he uses “use to” because there is “ did ” in the sentence. If you are using this phrase as an …
Use and-or in a sentence | The best 338 and-or sentence examples
The first tube is used for chemical and/or serological analysis, and the last two tubes are used for hematology and microbiology tests. 0 An alternative school is an educational setting designed to …
Is It 'Used To' or 'Use To'? - Merriam-Webster › is...
Though 'use' was once commonly used to mean "to be in the habit or custom," this sense now only occurs in the past tense: 'used to'. Used To: Usage. But this ...
Use "or" in a sentence | "or" sentence examples
"or" sentences (101) or a child. (102) or tipping. (103) or maybe... (104) one or two. (105) or did you? (106) or science. (107) or a ghost. (108) or teaching (109) them or me. (110) or too few. "or" …
How to use "or" in a sentence - WordHippo › what-is › sentences-with-the
Sentence Examples. The authors repeated the analysis for the hyperactive probands who had or had not been treated with stimulants in high school. It holds out the prospect of hydrofoils or catamarans whisking up to 150 passengers at a time on the journey. It was a very dry world, almost no water, and not much carbon, hydrogen or oxygen either.
Used to vs Use to: Differences and Grammar Rules
The most common mix-up between used to and use to occurs when describing the feeling of being accustomed to something, or “used to” it. Here are some examples of used to as an adjective. …
How to use "or" in a sentence - WordHippo
Sentence Examples The authors repeated the analysis for the hyperactive probands who had or had not been treated with stimulants in high school. It holds out the prospect of hydrofoils or …
How to Use “and/or” in a Sentence (Correct Punctuation)
How to Use “and/or” in a Sentence? “And/or” can be used in informal writing to give the reader multiple choices. You should not use it formally because “and” or “or” are always better choices …
Use used in a sentence | The best 500 used sentence examples › used
How strange, how extraordinary, how joyful it seemed, that her son, the scarcely perceptible motion of whose tiny limbs she had felt twenty years ago within her, that son about whom she used to have quarrels with the too indulgent count, that son who had first learned to say "pear" and then "granny," that this son should now be away in a foreign land amid strange surroundings, a manly warrior ...
Use used in a sentence | The best 500 used sentence examples
How to use used in a sentence. Example sentences with the word used. The most voted sentence example for used is He used to be a pretty good me...
"Used to" or "Use to" - Differences And Grammar Rules › blog › en
Oct 06, 2022 · And the visitor is looking for a partner to work out together, so he asks, “ Did you use to …” he uses “use to” because there is “ did ” in the sentence. If you are using this phrase as an adverb in an affirmative sentence, you should always choose ” used to.” “use to” is always incorrect in this context.
Sentence Examples | Examples of Words Used in a Sentence
How to See a Word Used in a Sentence 1 Type the word Simply type in the word you want to explore the meaning of and find your screen filled with countless examples of that word in a sentence. 2 Browse the list Scroll through the sentence list to see the sentence that best meets the context you’re looking for. 3 Vote for your favorite sentences
Use used-to in a sentence | The best 500 used-to sentence ... › used-to
I, 2 and 3), used to bolt the head of one of the screws, and the instrument was provided with a slipping piece, giving motion to the micrometer by screws acting on two slides, one in right ascension, the other in declination, so that " either of the, webs can be placed upon either component of a double star with ease and certainty (Mem.
Used to vs Use to: Differences and Grammar Rules - YourDictionary › vs › used-to-vs-use-to
The most common mix-up between used to and use to occurs when describing the feeling of being accustomed to something, or “used to” it. Here are some examples of used to as an adjective. Notice that each of these sentences also includes a form of the helping verb to be ( is, wasn’t, are ). She’s use to disappointment. (Incorrect)
What is the grammatically correct usage of “use” or ... - Quora › What-is-the-grammatically-corr...
It's OK to use “or” to start a sentence, if that sentence completes the meaning of the previous one. Or adds some additional information :). In formal speech ...
Which is Correct: Use To or Used To? - › academy › lesson
In each of these sentences, ''used to'' means something that happened in the past that is no longer happening. Use To. Are there ever times when ...
"Use To" vs. "Used To": What's The Difference? - › grammar
Use this article to clear up any confusion you have over the uses of "used ... is in the sentence, you would choose use to and not used to.
Used to vs Use to: Differences and Grammar Rules › ...
Someone can be “used to” to a condition or situation, but they are never “use to” it. But, that doesn't mean there's no place for use to in a sentence. Used To ...
Use or in a sentence | The best 500 or sentence examples
How to use Or in a sentence. or. Meanings Synonyms Sentences I don't like either the one or the other. 343. 150. Do you want to go or not? 222. 47. You're going to have a little brother or sister. …
Use To or Used To | Difference & Example Sentences - Scribbr › use-to-or-u...
Used to” is a verb indicating a past habit or state. “Use to” is the form of this verb that you should use in combination with “did” or ...
Used to vs. Use to in English - Woodward English Grammar › rules › used...
I used to drink coffee every morning but now I drink tea. · She used to live in London but now she lives in New York. · He used to play football ...