What is the grammatically correct usage of “use” or “used” in a ...
Answer (1 of 7): Both the infinitive use to and the past tense used to are correct in their proper contexts. Use to is an unusual phrasal verb that exists only in the above two forms. I don't know whether the technical grammatical term defective can be applied to phrasal verbs, but use to cerain...
Use used in a sentence | The best 500 used sentence examples
sentence.yourdictionary.com › usedHow strange, how extraordinary, how joyful it seemed, that her son, the scarcely perceptible motion of whose tiny limbs she had felt twenty years ago within her, that son about whom she used to have quarrels with the too indulgent count, that son who had first learned to say "pear" and then "granny," that this son should now be away in a foreign land amid strange surroundings, a manly warrior ...
Sentence Examples | Examples of Words Used in a Sentence
sentence.yourdictionary.comHow to See a Word Used in a Sentence 1 Type the word Simply type in the word you want to explore the meaning of and find your screen filled with countless examples of that word in a sentence. 2 Browse the list Scroll through the sentence list to see the sentence that best meets the context you’re looking for. 3 Vote for your favorite sentences