USDA APHIS | APHIS Permits (ePermits and eFile) › aphis › resourcesNov 08, 2021 · ePermits is a web-based system that allows users to submit import/interstate movement/transit/release permit applications, track applications, apply for renewals and amendments, and receive copies of their permits. ePermits is being phased out and will be replaced with APHIS eFile, the new, web-based system that provides a modern user interface ...
USDA APHIS | Plant Health Permit Application Forms › aphis › resourcesNov 04, 2021 · Plant Health Permits Home Page. As APHIS strives to meet the needs of the eGovernment initiative, we are starting to deploy the APHIS eFile system, in addition to the ePermits system, which both offer an electronic option to issue permits, certificates, and other regulation-based verifications to USDA's customers and business partners.
USDA APHIS | Permits › sa_permitsApr 05, 2021 · Permits. APHIS regulates the importation, interstate movement, or environmental release (i.e., outdoor field trials) of certain organisms developed using genetic engineering (including plants, insects, and microbes) that may pose a plant pest risk. Permit applications, which are carefully reviewed by APHIS regulatory scientists, provide details ...