Electronic Forms | USDA
www.usda.gov › forms › electronic-formsUSDA is actively working to make all of its publicly available forms Section 508 accessible. If you need a form that is not Section 508 accessible, please contact the form owner listed or OBPA DPO and we will make every effort to obtain an accessible copy for you. Prefix. Form No. Subject. PDF.
USDA APHIS | VSPS Interstate Library
www.aphis.usda.gov › aphis › ourfocusMar 23, 2022 · How to Create an Interstate Health Certificate in VSPS: PDF: Electronic Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (15 minutes) VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to Create an On-Line Coggins Form in VSPS: PDF: Online Coggins Forms (8 minutes) VIDEO TUTORIAL: Digital Photos for VSPS: PDF: Online Accreditation Renewal (7 minutes) VIDEO TUTORIAL
www.esd.whs.mil › Documents › DD1. OWNER'S NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) 2. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include Area Code) 3. ADDRESS (Number, Street, City, State, ZIP Code) 4. ANIMAL a. NAME b. SPECIESc. SEX d. AGEe. WEIGHT f. MICROCHIP NUMBER(S)g. PREDOMINANT BREED h. COLOR(S) 5. RABIES IMMUNIZATION DATA a. PRODUCER (First 3 letters) b. LOT NUMBER c. VIRUS TYPEd. DATE VACCINATED
USDA APHIS | International Animal Movement
www.aphis.usda.gov › aphis › ourfocusJun 2, 2020 · Occasionally, APHIS Form 7001, Interstate and International Certificate of Health Examination for Small Animals, can be used when a specific form does not exist for a particular country. Please be aware airlines may require the APHIS Form 7001 for pets traveling to any country, in addition to the pet’s country-specific health certificate.