USDA APHIS | Imports and Exports › aphis › ourfocusJun 02, 2020 · Imports and Exports. Last Modified: Jun 2, 2020. Print. APHIS plays a vital role in ensuring the free flow of agricultural trade by keeping U.S. agricultural industries free from pests and diseases and certifying that the millions of U.S. agricultural and food products shipped to markets abroad meet the importing countries' entry requirements.
Importing Goods | USDA › topics › tradeImporting Regulations and Policies. While foreign regulatory systems need not be identical to the U.S. system, they must employ equivalent sanitary and health measures that provide the same level of protection achieved domestically for imported goods.
USDA APHIS | Permits › sa_permitsApr 05, 2021 · Permits. APHIS regulates the importation, interstate movement, or environmental release (i.e., outdoor field trials) of certain organisms developed using genetic engineering (including plants, insects, and microbes) that may pose a plant pest risk. Permit applications, which are carefully reviewed by APHIS regulatory scientists, provide details ...
USDA APHIS | APHIS Permits (ePermits and eFile) › aphis › resourcesNov 08, 2021 · APHIS Permits (ePermits and eFile) APHIS issues permits for the import, transit and release of regulated animals, animal products, veterinary biologics, plants, plant products, pests, organisms, soil, and genetically engineered organisms. ePermits is a web-based system that allows users to submit import/interstate movement/transit/release ...
What is a USDA Permit? : issues and uses permits to verify the safety of imported products at the port of entry. USDA permit requirements differ depending on the origin of the plant or animal, the finished commodity containing the plant or animal ingredient, and the treatment or processing of the specific imported product containing the plant or animal ingredient.
USDA APHIS | Imports and Exports · Imports and Exports. Last Modified: Jun 2, 2020. Print. APHIS plays a vital role in ensuring the free flow of agricultural trade by keeping U.S. agricultural industries free from pests and diseases and certifying that the millions of U.S. agricultural and food products shipped to markets abroad meet the importing countries' entry requirements.