iHobb: US Post Due Stamps
www.ihobb.com › c › US_POSTAGE_DUE_STAMPSU.S. Stamps - Postage Dues, including Parcel Post Postage Dues An interesting and very collectible part of any back-of-the-book collection is the Postage Due stamp. First authorized in 1879, the identification of even the early issues is a fairly simple matter emplying only a perforation guage,and for a few stamp, watermark fluid.
Postage Due Stamps | National Postal Museum
postalmuseum.si.edu › exhibition › about-us-stampsBy law, postage due stamps were to be affixed by clerks to any piece of mailable matter to denote the amount collected from the addressee because of insufficient prepayment of postage. Although the Post Office Department required postage to be prepaid beginning in 1855, there were many instances when full postage was not required and postage due payment had to be collected in cash from the addressees.
Postage Due Stamps — Mystic Stamp Discovery Center
info.mysticstamp.com › postage-due-stampsMar 03, 2021 · Parcel Postage Due. Effective January 1, 1913, the US Post Office offered parcel delivery. Parcel Postage Due stamps paid the makeup fee for underpaid packages. At the end of six months, the Parcel Posts (and Parcel Post Due stamps) were replaced with ordinary postage stamps. US #JQ1 – One of the few Parcel Post Due stamps that were in use for just six months in 1913. Click here for lots more Postage Dues, including single stamps and money-saving sets.
US Postage Due Stamps - 1910-1985 - Stamp Collecting …
The designs of these US postage due stamps are identical, except for the denomination numerals and names. Some of these stamps exist in both "wet" and "dry" printings . They are worth about the same. The catalog attributes, for stamps that are flat plate printings and perforated 11, are as follows. 1/2 C. (1930 - Sc. #J69) - Carmine.
U.S. Stamp Identifier - Kenmore Stamp
www.kenmorestamp.com › us-stamp-identifierGet the inside scoop on how to distinguish valuable U.S. postage stamps from the common varieties with our U.S. Stamp Identifier. 1847 First Issues vs Reprints (#1 vs 3, #2 vs 4) 1867-1871 Grilled Issues (#85C to 141) 1869 15¢ Columbus Type I & II (#118, 119) 1870-1888 Hard and Soft Papers (#134 to 191) 1873-1879 Secret Marks (#156 to 191)