U.S. Population 1950-2022 | MacroTrends
www.macrotrends.net › USA › united-statesU.S. Population 1950-2022. Chart and table of U.S. population from 1950 to 2022. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current population of U.S. in 2022 is 334,805,269, a 0.57% increase from 2021. The population of U.S. in 2021 was 332,915,073, a 0.58% increase from 2020. The population of U.S. in 2020 was 331,002,651, a 0.59% increase from 2019.
Historical Population Change Data (1910-2020) - Census.gov
www.census.gov › data › tablesApr 26, 2021 · Population: 5,024,279: 4,779,736: 4,447,100: 4,040,587: 3,893,888: 3,444,165: 3,266,740: 3,061,743: 2,832,961: 2,646,248: 2,348,174: 2,138,093: Percent Change: 5.1%: 7.5%: 10.1%: 3.8%: 13.1%: 5.4%: 6.7%: 8.1%: 7.1%: 12.7%: 9.8%: 16.9%: Alaska; Resident Population: 733,391: 710,231: 626,932: 550,043: 401,851: 300,382: 226,167: 128,643: 72,524: 59,278: 55,036: 64,356: Percent Change: 3.3%: 13.3%: 14.0%: 36.9%: 33.8%: 32.8%: 75.8%: 77.4%: 22.3%: 7.7%
US population over time - USAFacts
usafacts.org › population-data › populationAll figures will be updated when full data is available in July. Adult working-age (18-64) Population statistics are from official intercensal estimates and postcensal estimates produced on July 1 of each year, These may differ from the official decennial counts which are measured as of April 1 in years ending in 0.
US Population by Year
https://www.multpl.com/united-states-population/table124 riviä · 1.7.2017 · US Population table by year, historic, and current data. Current US Population is 332.60 million. S&P 500 PE Ratio; Shiller PE ... S&P 500 Earnings; S&P 500 Historical Prices; more; multpl. menu. US Population by Year. Chart; Table; Share Show: By Year; By Month; Date Value Value; Apr 1, 2022: 332.60 million Jul 1, 2021: 331.89 ...
United States Population Chart | US History II (OS Collection)
courses.lumenlearning.com › suny-ushistory2os2xUnited States Population Chart 1; Census Year Population Census Year Population; 1610: 350: 1820: 9,638,453: 1620: 2,302: 1830: 12,866,020: 1630: 4,646: 1840: 17,069,453: 1640: 26,634: 1850: 23,191,876: 1650: 50,368: 1860: 31,443,321: 1660: 75,058: 1870: 38,558,371: 1670: 111,935: 1880: 50,189,209: 1680: 151,507: 1890: 62,979,766: 1690: 210,372: 1900: 76,212,168: 1700: 250,888: 1910: 92,228,496: 1710: 331,711: 1920: 106,021,537: 1720: 466,185