Residential Mailboxes and Residential Mailbox Posts ... › residential-mailboxesSalsbury Industries carries a complete line of Residential Mailboxes and Mailbox Posts. Curbside residential mailboxes are U.S.P.S. approved and will add curb appeal to any home. Residential mailboxes can be purchased for individual installations or can be clustered together with spreaders or larger posts for multi-unit curbside delivery. Salsbury Industries offers a variety of Wall Mounted Mailboxes, Column Mailboxes and Locking Mailboxes.
The Next Generation Mailboxes | USPS › packagemailboxThese next generation mailboxes can hold multiple packages, plus your regular letters, cards, and magazines. Dimensions. 13.63” wide x 7.75” tall on sides, 12" tall at center x 16.5” deep 2. How to Install. This mailbox fits on most standard posts. Before installing a new mailbox, make sure you review our helpful installations guidelines.
www.usmailboxes.comWe give additional discounts on USPS approved large security mailbox purchases. Contact us online, or call (541) 389-4928 for more details. US Mailboxes is committed to continuing the values of maintaining a high quality …
How to Install a Mailbox | USPS › manage › mailboxesWhere to Place the Mailbox. Here are some helpful guidelines to follow when placing your mailbox: Position your mailbox 41″ to 45″ from the road surface to the bottom of the mailbox or point of mail entry. Place your mailbox 6″ to 8″ back from the curb. If you do not have a raised curb, contact your local postmaster for guidance.