US equity indexes - MSCI › us-equity-indexesMSCI U.S. equity indexes. The MSCI US Equity Indexes are a domestic only series - independent from MSCI’s Global Equity indexes – which reflect the investment opportunities in the US equity markets by market capitalization size, by value and growth investment styles and by sectors and industries. PERFORMANCE, FACTSHEETS AND METHODOLOGIES.
U.S. Equities Market Volume Summary - Cboe Global Markets › us › equitiesFeb 7, 2022 · U.S. Equities Market Volume Summary Today Download this day as CSV Download Last 30 Days Options: Auctions Odd Lots Notional Value Summary Volume Summary Data as of 14:43 17/01/2023 . All share and notional values delayed at least 20 minutes . If using this data in a published report, please cite Cboe Global Markets as the source.
U.S. Equities Market Attributes December 2022 › us-equities-market-attributesJan 3, 2023 · Despite some jitters caused by the protests, the S&P 500 ® posted a gain of 5.38% in November, as the market banked on the possibility of a more accommodative stance from the Federal Reserve. One of the key economic indicators—the 2s/10s spread of the U.S. Treasury yield curve—continued to widen into the red and has remained in negative territory since July of this year.