Calculate Time and Cost: UPS - United States › ctcCalculate Time and Cost Quickly get estimated shipping quotes for our global package delivery services. Provide the origin, destination, and weight of your shipment to compare service details then sort your results by time or cost to find the most cost-effective shipping service.
Calculate Time and Cost - UPS › om › enThe Calculate Time and Cost application helps you compare guaranteed delivery times and published rates when sending UPS shipments to destinations around the world. Using the Calculate Time and Cost application you can: Get rates in the origin country's local currency; Get rates and edit the shipment details for multiple packages
Calculate Time and Cost - UPS › re › enThe Calculate Time and Cost application helps you compare guaranteed delivery times and published rates when sending UPS shipments to destinations around the world. Using the Calculate Time and Cost application you can: Get rates in the origin country's local currency; Get rates and edit the shipment details for multiple packages