Search for Courses and Course Sections. Please note that this course section has one or more fees in addition to standard tuition fees. Fee information is available in Section Details.
Most online courses at UWinnipeg PACE are 12-weeks in duration. Online courses are delivered in one of two formats. Asynchronous, which means you will not be expected to be live online for any live lectures In asynchronous courses, you are free to work on the course within the times you want, providing you meet assignment due dates
A key component of an Age-Friendly University is lifelong learning – encouraging older adults to participate in educational programs, including access to online ...
55 Plus courses provide you with the benefit of lifelong learning without the tests, assignments or exams. unIVersIty of WInnIPeG | Pace tel: 204.982.6633 | fax ...
Special Students - regular University fees as above. Senior Citizens - No fees. Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are resident in Manitoba, who are 65 and over, may register for undergrad degree credit courses of interest to them. Audit courses - One half the regular tuition fee plus all incidentals.
Undergraduate Degree Programs. Pre-Professional Programs. Applied & Joint Programs with RRC Polytech. English Language Program. Graduate Programs. High School Program - The Collegiate at The University of Winnipeg. Professional, Applied and Continuing Education (PACE) Theology.
University of Winnipeg 55 Plus courses 474 views Aug 18, 2015 1 Dislike Share Save ShawTV Winnipeg 8.48K subscribers Students from the 55 year old Plus courses at the University of...