Wandering Ai - Unity Forum
forum.unity.com › threads › wandering-aiFeb 09, 2019 · The other problem is that the chiken is not wandering around its just going in a straight line. It must be something with the code.(I'm a beginer, and i know its a stupid thing to start with this but i is need this for a project). I've included the project file itself as a unity package also the target object png.
c# - Wandering AI in Unity - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 435344661 Answer. To make the AI patrol between two points, you need to define the second point and change the behaviour of the AI to change target when it gets to the first point. Currently, it will simply move at zero velocity once it reaches its target (i.e. stop). Without modifying your code too much, you can extend it to move between two positions ...